
data class CreateOrganizationParameters(    val intermediateSessionToken: String,     val organizationName: String? = null,     val organizationSlug: String? = null,     val organizationLogoUrl: String? = null,     val sessionDurationMinutes: UInt = Constants.DEFAULT_SESSION_TIME_MINUTES,     val ssoJitProvisioning: SsoJitProvisioning? = null,     val emailAllowedDomains: List<String>? = null,     val emailJitProvisioning: EmailJitProvisioning? = null,     val emailInvites: EmailInvites? = null,     val authMethods: AuthMethods? = null,     val allowedAuthMethods: List<AllowedAuthMethods>? = null)

A data class used for wrapping parameters used with creating organizations


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fun CreateOrganizationParameters(    intermediateSessionToken: String,     organizationName: String? = null,     organizationSlug: String? = null,     organizationLogoUrl: String? = null,     sessionDurationMinutes: UInt = Constants.DEFAULT_SESSION_TIME_MINUTES,     ssoJitProvisioning: SsoJitProvisioning? = null,     emailAllowedDomains: List<String>? = null,     emailJitProvisioning: EmailJitProvisioning? = null,     emailInvites: EmailInvites? = null,     authMethods: AuthMethods? = null,     allowedAuthMethods: List<AllowedAuthMethods>? = null)


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val allowedAuthMethods: List<AllowedAuthMethods>? = null

An array of allowed authentication methods. This list is enforced when auth_methods is set to RESTRICTED. The list's accepted values are: sso , magic_link , and password .

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val authMethods: AuthMethods? = null

The setting that controls which authentication methods can be used by Members of an Organization. The accepted values are: ALL_ALLOWED – the default setting which allows all authentication methods to be used. RESTRICTED - only methods that comply with allowed_auth_methods can be used for authentication. This setting does not apply to Members with is_breakglass set to true.

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val emailAllowedDomains: List<String>? = null

An array of email domains that allow invites or JIT provisioning for new Members. This list is enforced when either email_invites or email_jit_provisioning is set to RESTRICTED.

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val emailInvites: EmailInvites? = null

The authentication setting that controls how a new Member can be invited to an organization by email. The accepted values are: ALL_ALLOWED – any new Member can be invited to join via email. RESTRICTED – only new Members with verified emails that comply with email_allowed_domains can be invited via email. NOT_ALLOWED – disable email invites.

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val emailJitProvisioning: EmailJitProvisioning? = null

The authentication setting that controls how a new Member can be provisioned by authenticating via Email Magic Link. The accepted values are: RESTRICTED – only new Members with verified emails that comply with email_allowed_domains can be provisioned upon authentication via Email Magic Link. NOT_ALLOWED – disable JIT provisioning via Email Magic Link.

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val intermediateSessionToken: String

is the unique sequence of characters used to authenticate a member

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val organizationLogoUrl: String? = null

is the optional URL of the new organization's logo

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val organizationName: String? = null

is the name of the new organization

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val organizationSlug: String? = null

is the desired slug of the new organization

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val sessionDurationMinutes: UInt

indicates how long the session should last before it expires

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val ssoJitProvisioning: SsoJitProvisioning? = null

The authentication setting that controls the JIT provisioning of Members when authenticating via SSO. The accepted values are: ALL_ALLOWED – new Members will be automatically provisioned upon successful authentication via any of the Organization's sso_active_connections. RESTRICTED – only new Members with SSO logins that comply with sso_jit_provisioning_allowed_connections can be provisioned upon authentication. NOT_ALLOWED – disable JIT provisioning via SSO.