
interface EmailOTP

Provides all possible ways to call Email OTP endpoints


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data class Parameters(    val email: String,     val expirationMinutes: UInt = DEFAULT_OTP_EXPIRATION_TIME_MINUTES,     val loginTemplateId: String? = null,     val signupTemplateId: String? = null)

Data class used for wrapping parameters used with Email OTP


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abstract suspend fun loginOrCreate(parameters: OTP.EmailOTP.Parameters): LoginOrCreateOTPResponse
abstract fun loginOrCreate(parameters: OTP.EmailOTP.Parameters, callback: (LoginOrCreateOTPResponse) -> Unit)

Send a one-time passcode (OTP) to a user using their email address. If the email address is not associated with a user already, a user will be created.

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abstract suspend fun send(parameters: OTP.EmailOTP.Parameters): BaseResponse
abstract fun send(parameters: OTP.EmailOTP.Parameters, callback: (BaseResponse) -> Unit)

Send a one-time passcode (OTP) to a user's email address. If you'd like to create a user and send them a passcode with one request, use our loginOrCreate method.