
data class Parameters(    val email: String,     val expirationMinutes: UInt = DEFAULT_OTP_EXPIRATION_TIME_MINUTES,     val loginTemplateId: String? = null,     val signupTemplateId: String? = null)

Data class used for wrapping parameters used with Email OTP


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fun Parameters(    email: String,     expirationMinutes: UInt = DEFAULT_OTP_EXPIRATION_TIME_MINUTES,     loginTemplateId: String? = null,     signupTemplateId: String? = null)


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val email: String

the address the OTP code would be sent to via Email

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val expirationMinutes: UInt

indicates how long the OTP should last before it expires

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val loginTemplateId: String? = null

Use a custom template for login emails. By default, it will use your default email template. The template must be a template using our built-in customizations or a custom HTML email for Magic links - Login.

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val signupTemplateId: String? = null

Use a custom template for sign-up emails. By default, it will use your default email template. The template must be a template using our built-in customizations or a custom HTML email for Magic links - Sign-up.