
interface DeeplinkHandledStatus

A class representing the three states of a deeplink handled by StytchClient.handle() / StytchB2BClient.handle()


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data class Handled(val response: DeeplinkResponse) : DeeplinkHandledStatus

Indicates that a deeplink was successfully parsed from the deeplink.

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data class ManualHandlingRequired(val type: TokenType, val token: String) : DeeplinkHandledStatus

Indicates that this was a supported Stytch deeplink, but there is something more your application needs to do with the extracted token.

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data class NotHandled(val reason: StytchDeeplinkError) : DeeplinkHandledStatus

Indicates that a deeplink was not handled by the Stytch client, either because a token could not be parsed from it or it is not a known or supported authentication method.


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