Passwords interface that encompasses authentication functions as well as other related functionality
Data class used for wrapping parameters used with Passwords authentication
Data class used for wrapping parameters used with Passwords create endpoint
Data class used for wrapping parameters used with Passwords ResetByEmail endpoint
Data class used for wrapping parameters used with Passwords ResetByEmailStart endpoint
Data class used for wrapping parameters used with Passwords StrengthCheck endpoint
Wraps the passwords authenticate API endpoint which validates the passwords token passed in. If this method succeeds, the user will be logged in, granted an active session
Wraps Stytch’s passwords create endpoint. Creates an account using an email and password given that an account with such an email does not already exist.
Wraps Stytch’s resetByEmail endpoint. Resets an account password by using a token and password.
Wraps Stytch’s resetByEmailStart endpoint. Initiates an account password reset by using an email.
Wraps Stytch’s strengthCheck endpoint. Advises on password strength when provided an email and a password.