interface OTP

OTP interface that encompasses authentication functions as well as other related functionality


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data class AuthParameters(    val token: String,     val methodId: String,     val sessionDurationMinutes: UInt = DEFAULT_SESSION_TIME_MINUTES)

Data class used for wrapping parameters used with OTP authentication

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interface EmailOTP

Provides all possible ways to call Email OTP endpoints

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interface SmsOTP

Provides all possible ways to call SMS OTP endpoints

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interface WhatsAppOTP

Provides all possible ways to call WhatsApp OTP endpoints


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abstract suspend fun authenticate(parameters: OTP.AuthParameters): AuthResponse
abstract fun authenticate(parameters: OTP.AuthParameters, callback: (AuthResponse) -> Unit)

Wraps the OTP authenticate API endpoint which validates the OTP token passed in. If this method succeeds, the user will be logged in, granted an active session


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abstract val email: OTP.EmailOTP

Public variable that exposes an instance of Email OTP

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abstract val sms: OTP.SmsOTP

Public variable that exposes an instance of SMS OTP

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abstract val whatsapp: OTP.WhatsAppOTP

Public variable that exposes an instance of WhatsApp OTP