Package-level declarations

Single-Sign On (SSO) refers to the ability for a user to use a single identity to authenticate and gain access to multiple apps and service. In the case of B2B, it generally refers for the ability to use a workplace identity managed by their company. Read our blog post for more information about SSO.

Stytch supports the following SSO protocols:

  • SAML

To start a SAML authentication request, call the StytchB2BClient.sso.start() method.

To authenticate an SSO token, call the StytchB2BClient.sso.authenticate() method.


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interface SSO

Single-Sign On (SSO) refers to the ability for a user to use a single identity to authenticate and gain access to multiple apps and service. In the case of B2B, it generally refers for the ability to use a workplace identity managed by their company. Read our blog post for more information about SSO.