Stytch Android
Stytch is an authentication platform, written by developers for developers, with a focus on improving security and user experience via passwordless authentication. Stytch offers direct API integrations, language-specific libraries, and SDKs (like this one) to make the process of setting up an authentication flow for your app as easy as possible.
The module contains three packages that are of interest to a developer:
com.stytch.sdk.b2b: Use this SDK to interact with your B2B Projects, Organizations and Members
com.stytch.sdk.consumer: Use this SDK to interact with your Consumer Projects and Users
com.stytch.sdk.common: This package contains resources shared between our B2B and Consumer SDKs
Single-Sign On (SSO) refers to the ability for a user to use a single identity to authenticate and gain access to multiple apps and service. In the case of B2B, it generally refers for the ability to use a workplace identity managed by their company. Read our blog post for more information about SSO.