Package-level declarations


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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class EmailMagicLinksOptions(val loginExpirationMinutes: Int? = null, val signupExpirationMinutes: Int? = null, val loginTemplateId: String? = null, val signupTemplateId: String? = null) : Parcelable

A data class that defines ptions for configuring Email Magic Links

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class GoogleOAuthOptions(val clientId: String? = null) : Parcelable

A data class that represents the configuration for Google OAuth

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class OAuthOptions(val loginRedirectURL: String? = null, val signupRedirectURL: String? = null, val providers: List<OAuthProvider> = emptyList()) : Parcelable

A data class representing the configuration options for the OAuth product

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An enum class representing all of the supported OAuth providers

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An enum class representing all of the supported OTP methods

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class OTPOptions(val methods: List<OTPMethods> = emptyList(), val expirationMinutes: Int = DEFAULT_OTP_EXPIRATION_TIME_MINUTES.toInt(), val loginTemplateId: String? = null, val signupTemplateId: String? = null) : Parcelable

A data class representing options for configuring the OTP product

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PasswordOptions(val loginExpirationMinutes: Int? = null, val resetPasswordExpirationMinutes: Int? = null, val resetPasswordTemplateId: String? = null) : Parcelable

A data class representing options for configuring the Password product

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class SessionOptions(val sessionDurationMinutes: Int = DEFAULT_SESSION_TIME_MINUTES.toInt()) : Parcelable

A data class representing global session configuration options

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An enum class representing all of the supported Products that you can use with this SDK

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class StytchProductConfig(val products: List<StytchProduct> = listOf( StytchProduct.EMAIL_MAGIC_LINKS, StytchProduct.PASSWORDS, StytchProduct.OTP, ), val emailMagicLinksOptions: EmailMagicLinksOptions = EmailMagicLinksOptions(), val oAuthOptions: OAuthOptions = OAuthOptions(), val otpOptions: OTPOptions = OTPOptions(), val sessionOptions: SessionOptions = SessionOptions(), val passwordOptions: PasswordOptions = PasswordOptions(), val googleOauthOptions: GoogleOAuthOptions = GoogleOAuthOptions()) : Parcelable

A data class representing the overall product configuration that you can pass to the UI SDK

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data class StytchStyles(val darkTheme: StytchTheme = StytchTheme.defaultDarkTheme(), val lightTheme: StytchTheme = StytchTheme.defaultLightTheme()) : Parcelable

A data class that specifies the styles used by the UI components

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data class StytchTheme(val backgroundColor: Int = WHITE, val primaryTextColor: Int = BLACK, val secondaryTextColor: Int = SLATE, val disabledTextColor: Int = STEEL, val successColor: Int = PINE, val errorColor: Int = MAROON, val socialButtonBackgroundColor: Int = WHITE, val socialButtonTextColor: Int = CHARCOAL, val buttonBackgroundColor: Int = CHARCOAL, val buttonTextColor: Int = WHITE, val buttonBorderColor: Int = CHARCOAL, val buttonBorderRadius: Int = 4, val disabledButtonBackgroundColor: Int = CHALK, val disabledButtonBorderColor: Int = CHALK, val disabledButtonTextColor: Int = STEEL, val inputBorderRadius: Int = 4, val inputBorderColor: Int = CEMENT, val inputBackgroundColor: Int = WHITE, val inputTextColor: Int = CHARCOAL, val inputPlaceholderTextColor: Int = STEEL, val disabledInputBorderColor: Int = FOG, val disabledInputBackgroundColor: Int = CHALK, val disabledInputTextColor: Int = STEEL, val dialogTextColor: Int = CHARCOAL, val hideHeaderText: Boolean = false) : Parcelable

A data class used to configure the UI.