
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class OTPOptions(val methods: List<OTPMethods> = emptyList(), val expirationMinutes: Int = DEFAULT_OTP_EXPIRATION_TIME_MINUTES.toInt(), val loginTemplateId: String? = null, val signupTemplateId: String? = null) : Parcelable

A data class representing options for configuring the OTP product


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constructor(methods: List<OTPMethods> = emptyList(), expirationMinutes: Int = DEFAULT_OTP_EXPIRATION_TIME_MINUTES.toInt(), loginTemplateId: String? = null, signupTemplateId: String? = null)


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The number of minutes that an OTP code is valid for. Defaults to 10

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val loginTemplateId: String? = null

The ID of an OTP template (defined in the Stytch Dashboard) for login requests

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A list of OTPMethods that you would like to enable

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The ID of an OTP template (defined in the Stytch Dashboard) for signup requests