
data class UpdateOrganizationParameters @JvmOverloads constructor(val organizationName: String? = null, val organizationSlug: String? = null, val organizationLogoUrl: String? = null, val ssoDefaultConnectionId: String? = null, val ssoJitProvisioning: SsoJitProvisioning? = null, val ssoJitProvisioningAllowedConnections: List<String>? = null, val emailAllowedDomains: List<String>? = null, val emailJitProvisioning: EmailJitProvisioning? = null, val emailInvites: EmailInvites? = null, val authMethods: AuthMethods? = null, val allowedAuthMethods: List<AllowedAuthMethods>? = null, val mfaMethods: MfaMethods? = null, val allowedMfaMethods: List<MfaMethod>? = null, val mfaPolicy: MfaPolicy? = null, val rbacEmailImplicitRoleAssignments: List<String>? = null)

Data class used for wrapping parameters used for making an Organization update call


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constructor(organizationName: String? = null, organizationSlug: String? = null, organizationLogoUrl: String? = null, ssoDefaultConnectionId: String? = null, ssoJitProvisioning: SsoJitProvisioning? = null, ssoJitProvisioningAllowedConnections: List<String>? = null, emailAllowedDomains: List<String>? = null, emailJitProvisioning: EmailJitProvisioning? = null, emailInvites: EmailInvites? = null, authMethods: AuthMethods? = null, allowedAuthMethods: List<AllowedAuthMethods>? = null, mfaMethods: MfaMethods? = null, allowedMfaMethods: List<MfaMethod>? = null, mfaPolicy: MfaPolicy? = null, rbacEmailImplicitRoleAssignments: List<String>? = null)


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val allowedAuthMethods: List<AllowedAuthMethods>? = null

An array of allowed authentication methods.

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val allowedMfaMethods: List<MfaMethod>? = null

An array of allowed MFA methods.

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val authMethods: AuthMethods? = null

The setting that controls which authentication methods can be used by Members of an Organization.

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An array of email domains that allow invites or JIT provisioning for new Members. This list is enforced when either email_invites or email_jit_provisioning is set to RESTRICTED. Common domains such as gmail.com are not allowed.

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val emailInvites: EmailInvites? = null

The authentication setting that controls how a new Member can be invited to an organization by email.

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val emailJitProvisioning: EmailJitProvisioning? = null

The authentication setting that controls how a new Member can be provisioned by authenticating via Email Magic Link.

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val mfaMethods: MfaMethods? = null

The setting that controls which mfa methods can be used by Members of an Organization.

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val mfaPolicy: MfaPolicy? = null

The setting that controls the MFA policy for all Members in the Organization.

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The image URL of the Organization logo.

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The name of the organization

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The unique URL slug of the Organization. A minimum of two characters is required. The slug only accepts alphanumeric characters and the following reserved characters: - . _ ~.

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An array of implicit role assignments granted to members in this organization whose emails match the domain.

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The default connection used for SSO when there are multiple active connections.

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val ssoJitProvisioning: SsoJitProvisioning? = null

The authentication setting that controls the JIT provisioning of Members when authenticating via SSO.

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An array of connection_ids that reference SAML Connection objects. Only these connections will be allowed to JIT provision Members via SSO when sso_jit_provisioning is set to RESTRICTED.