interface CryptoWallet
The CryptoWallet interface provides methods for authenticating a user using one of the supported Crypto Wallets (Ethereum or Solana)
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data class AuthenticateParameters @JvmOverloads constructor(val cryptoWalletAddress: String, val cryptoWalletType: CryptoWalletType, val signature: String, val sessionDurationMinutes: Int = DEFAULT_SESSION_TIME_MINUTES)
A data class wrapping the parameters needed to complete a crypto wallet authentication flow
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data class AuthenticateStartParameters(val cryptoWalletAddress: String, val cryptoWalletType: CryptoWalletType)
A data class wrapping the parameters needed to begin a crypto wallet authentication flow
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abstract fun authenticate(parameters: CryptoWallet.AuthenticateParameters, callback: (AuthResponse) -> Unit)
Complete a crypto wallet authentication flow
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abstract fun authenticateCompletable(parameters: CryptoWallet.AuthenticateParameters): CompletableFuture<AuthResponse>
Complete a crypto wallet authentication flow
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abstract suspend fun authenticateStart(parameters: CryptoWallet.AuthenticateStartParameters): CryptoWalletAuthenticateStartResponse
abstract fun authenticateStart(parameters: CryptoWallet.AuthenticateStartParameters, callback: (CryptoWalletAuthenticateStartResponse) -> Unit)
Begin a crypto wallet authentication flow
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abstract fun authenticateStartCompletable(parameters: CryptoWallet.AuthenticateStartParameters): CompletableFuture<CryptoWalletAuthenticateStartResponse>
Begin a crypto wallet authentication flow