interface UserManagement
The UserManagement interface provides methods for retrieving an authenticated user and deleting authentication factors from an authenticated user.
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Data class used for wrapping parameters used for searching Users
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data class UpdateParams @JvmOverloads constructor(val name: NameData? = null, val untrustedMetadata: Map<String, Any>? = null)
Data class used for wrapping parameters used with User updates
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abstract fun deleteFactor(factor: UserAuthenticationFactor, callback: (DeleteFactorResponse) -> Unit)
Deletes a UserAuthenticationFactor from the currently authenticated user
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abstract fun deleteFactorCompletable(factor: UserAuthenticationFactor): CompletableFuture<DeleteFactorResponse>
Deletes a UserAuthenticationFactor from the currently authenticated user
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Get user from memory without making a network call
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Fetches a user from the current session
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Fetches a user from the current session
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Searches for the specified user
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abstract fun searchCompletable(params: UserManagement.SearchParams): CompletableFuture<SearchUserResponse>
Searches for the specified user
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Updates the currently authenticated user
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abstract fun updateCompletable(params: UserManagement.UpdateParams): CompletableFuture<UpdateUserResponse>
Updates the currently authenticated user