Package-level declarations

This package contains resources shared between our B2B and Consumer SDKs, including helpful typealiases, utility functions, data models, and internal support code.


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typealias BaseResponse = StytchResult<BasicData>

Type alias for StytchResult used for basic responses

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A class representing the three states of a deeplink handled by StytchClient.handle() / StytchB2BClient.handle()

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sealed class DeeplinkResponse

A class representing the types of Deeplink responses that the Stytch client has handled

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data class DeeplinkTokenPair(val tokenType: TokenType, val token: String?)

A data class representing a concrete token type and corresponding token parsed from a deeplink

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data class EndpointOptions @JvmOverloads constructor(val dfppaDomain: String = "")

Defines custom endpoints used by the SDK

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typealias NoResponseResponse = StytchResult<NoResponseData>

Type alias for StytchResult used for empty responses

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data class PKCECodePair(val codeChallenge: String, val codeVerifier: String, val method: String = "S256")

A data class representing the most recent PKCE code pair generated on this device. You may find this useful if you use a hybrid (frontend and backend) authentication flow, where you need to complete a PKCE flow on the backend

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data class StytchClientOptions @JvmOverloads constructor(val endpointOptions: EndpointOptions = EndpointOptions())

Options for configuring the StytchClient

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sealed class StytchResult<out T> : Parcelable

Provides a wrapper for responses from the Stytch API

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interface TokenType

An interface representing the supported token types that we can extract from a deeplink


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The default time that an OTP code will be valid. This is used if you do not provide an expiration duration to an OTP loginOrCreate or send call

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The default time that a created session will be valid. This is used if you do not provide a session duration to an authentication call, and defaults to the shortest valid session duration supported by Stytch (5 minutes)