interface SCIM

The SCIM interface provides methods for creating, getting, updating, deleting, and rotating SCIM connections


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data class CreateConnectionParameters(val displayName: String? = null, val identityProvider: String? = null)

A data class wrapping the parameters needed to create a SCIM connection

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data class GetConnectionGroupsParameters(val limit: Int? = null, val cursor: String? = null)

A data class wrapping the parameters needed to get connection groups

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data class UpdateConnectionParameters(val connectionId: String, val displayName: String? = null, val identityProvider: String? = null, val scimGroupImplicitRoleAssignments: List<SCIMGroupImplicitRoleAssignment>? = null)

A data class wrapping the parameters needed to update a SCIM connection


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Creates a new SCIM connection. This method wraps the {@link create-connection} endpoint. The caller must have permission to modify SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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Creates a new SCIM connection. This method wraps the {@link create-connection} endpoint. The caller must have permission to modify SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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abstract suspend fun deleteConnection(connectionId: String): SCIMDeleteConnectionResponse
abstract fun deleteConnection(connectionId: String, callback: (SCIMDeleteConnectionResponse) -> Unit)

Deletes an existing SCIM connection. This method wraps the {@link delete-connection} endpoint. The caller must have permission to modify SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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Deletes an existing SCIM connection. This method wraps the {@link delete-connection} endpoint. The caller must have permission to modify SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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abstract fun getConnection(callback: (SCIMGetConnectionResponse) -> Unit)

Gets the SCIM connection for an organization. This method wraps the {@link get-connection} endpoint. The caller must have permission to view SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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Gets the SCIM connection for an organization. This method wraps the {@link get-connection} endpoint. The caller must have permission to view SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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Gets all groups associated with an organization's SCIM connection. This method wraps the {@link get-connection-groups} endpoint. The caller must have permission to view SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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Gets all groups associated with an organization's SCIM connection. This method wraps the {@link get-connection-groups} endpoint. The caller must have permission to view SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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abstract suspend fun rotateCancel(connectionId: String): SCIMRotateCancelResponse
abstract fun rotateCancel(connectionId: String, callback: (SCIMRotateCancelResponse) -> Unit)

Cancels the SCIM bearer token rotate, removing the new bearer token issued. This method wraps the {@link cancel-rotation} endpoint. The caller must have permission to modify SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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Cancels the SCIM bearer token rotate, removing the new bearer token issued. This method wraps the {@link cancel-rotation} endpoint. The caller must have permission to modify SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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abstract suspend fun rotateComplete(connectionId: String): SCIMRotateCompleteResponse
abstract fun rotateComplete(connectionId: String, callback: (SCIMRotateCompleteResponse) -> Unit)

Completes the SCIM bearer token rotate, removing the old bearer token from operation. This method wraps the {@link complete-rotation} endpoint. The caller must have permission to modify SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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Completes the SCIM bearer token rotate, removing the old bearer token from operation. This method wraps the {@link complete-rotation} endpoint. The caller must have permission to modify SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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abstract suspend fun rotateStart(connectionId: String): SCIMRotateStartResponse
abstract fun rotateStart(connectionId: String, callback: (SCIMRotateStartResponse) -> Unit)

Starts the SCIM bearer token rotation process. This method wraps the {@link start-rotation} endpoint. The caller must have permission to modify SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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Starts the SCIM bearer token rotation process. This method wraps the {@link start-rotation} endpoint. The caller must have permission to modify SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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Updates an existing SCIM connection. This method wraps the {@link update-connection} endpoint. If attempting to modify the scim_group_implicit_role_assignments the caller must have the update.settings.implicit-roles permission on the stytch.organization resource. For all other fields, the caller must have the update permission on the stytch.scim resource. SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.

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Updates an existing SCIM connection. This method wraps the {@link update-connection} endpoint. If attempting to modify the scim_group_implicit_role_assignments the caller must have the update.settings.implicit-roles permission on the stytch.organization resource. For all other fields, the caller must have the update permission on the stytch.scim resource. SCIM via the project's RBAC policy & their role assignments.